Sunday, April 3, 2011

80 Degrees and Sunny Ambialet

Good Morning!!!

I hope everyday back in PA is enjoying the snowy and cold weather.  I'm sad to inform you that I'm not as lucky to experience such weather.  The weather here in Ambialet, France has been close to 80 degrees the past two days.  Therefore, since me and my anatomy book are joined together, we decided to go outside and study those days.  Well, I have a major sunburn/a little tan.  The sunburn in definitely more prominent though.  On Friday, some of us even went to the "beach" on the Tarn River.  I only put my feet in because the water was absolutely freezing!!!

Other than having such beautiful weather, not much has been going on at the monastery except for studying a lot of anatomy for the exam on Tuesday.  Father Gabe and a couple other SFU people will be visiting us.  I believe that they arrive in Ambialet on Saturday.

There are only 27 days until I am back home in the USA.  I came across this quote the other day; "Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more".  I thought that this quote was appropriate for the 3 1/2 months I have been spending over here.  I think I have a greater appreciation for being with my family and my friends, because it has definitely been hard being so far away from them.

Well, for today I have to go to church at 11:15am and I have another fun-filled day of studying anatomy!!

Have a good day everyone!!!

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