Thursday, April 21, 2011

Alban, Roquefort, and Millau

Hello all!!  I would have updated yesterday, but I fell asleep real early, and I did not type up a blog of our excursion yesterday.  We first had our last French class before our final.  We just basically did review for the final which is tomorrow.  After class, we had lunch and then got on the bus around 1:00.

Our first stop of the day was at a church in Alban.  This church is decorated entirely in iconography.  I found this church very interesting.  The icons followed first the old testament and then the new testament.  You were able to tell the two apart because the old testament was painted in a "black and white" color scheme and the new testament was painted in bright colors.  The icons went the whole way from Adam and Eve to the Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth.  In addition, there were icons of saints painted on the wall.  John said that he believes that these saints that were pictured were saints that were important to France history and culture.

The second stop of the day was in Roquefort.  This town is known for the cheese it produces.  We took a tour of the caves that the cheeses are fermented and produced in.  We were able to try the cheese after the tour, and personally, I did not like it at all.  After trying that cheese, I'm totally ready for some "American" cheese.

The last stop of the day was in Millau where we saw the largest suspension bridge in the world.  I must say that this was a pretty spectacular sight.

Today, was dedicated to studying for my anatomy practical and for my French final which is tomorrow.  In addition to studying, there was choir practice for Easter Sunday mass.  Going to this made me miss being home for Easter.  It does not even feel like it is Easter over here.  I love being home with my family for the holidays, and I'm so upset that I cannot be there.  However, my mom said that we will just have to celebrate Easter again when I get home next Saturday.

As of today only 9 more days until I'm home.  I truly cannot wait!!!!!!!!

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