Saturday, April 9, 2011

More of SFU Comes To Ambialet


Sorry I have not posted, but things have actually been busy around the monastery, especially with getting ready for Fr. Gabe and the other SFU personnel.

Tuesday, we had our third anatomy exam of the semester.  I did very well on it and received a 90% (and that's without the extra credit)!  I was very happy seeing that score on the computer screen when the exam was over.  Unfortunately, we have our fourth exam this upcoming Thursday, and then only two more exams total left for anatomy!

Yesterday, we went to Albi for French class and after class we visited the Toulouse-Lautrec museum.  He was a painter from Albi and over 100 of his works are located at this museum.  After the museum visit, Morgan, John, and I went to a cafe.  I had the best vanilla milkshake there.   When we came back to Ambialet we were informed that Fr. Gabe (the President of SFU), Dr. Powell (the provost) and his wife, and Erin McClosky (the director of admissions) and her husband arrived earlier in the day.

Today we were able to give these very important SFU personnel a presentation of our semester in France.  Our presentation told them exactly what we do over here and what our days consist of.  It was enjoyable telling these people all about of adventures and how we live for the semester.

Tomorrow, we are all going to 11:15am mass.  We are told that there will be a large crowd there sinece everyone in the village is curious about the SFU directors being here.  After mass, there is a big lunch scheduled and we are told that approximately 50 people will be here.

Ambialet has been exceptionally beautiful  the past few days, so here are a few pictures of springtime so far here in Ambialet.  I will probably update tomorrow since tomorrow will be an interesting day.
The Anatomy Students Pose For An Interesting Picture
It Was Elisabeth's Birthday, So Our French Classes Celebrated
Shaq and I

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