Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Notre Dame De La Dreche

Today was the last excursion we took in France.  First, we had French class at 9:00am.  Marie handed back our finals and we played a game for two hours.  Immediately after French, we departed for Notre Dame de la Dreche, a Franciscan community near Albi.  We were invited for lunch since Saint Francis University is also part of the Franciscan community.  Eric, our religious studies professor, joined us for lunch and for our tour of the church.  It was exciting to see Eric one last time before we depart for the USA.  For lunch we had: soup, veal, noodles, cheese, and a pie pastry.  Everything was absolutely delicious!!!!!  After lunch, we had a tour of the church.  Since Gerry was also with us and he knew I played the organ, he talked to the friars and they allowed me to play the organ in the church.  That was absolutely awesome.  I did not know any songs from memory, however, I remembered some of one of my favorite songs, "Ave Maria".  When I was done playing, Gerry told me that I officially made my "European debut".  After that, we were allowed to climb to the bell tower and play the bells.  That was also something very unique to do.  We then said our final goodbyes to Eric and we headed back to Ambialet.
Playing The Organ At Notre Dame De La Dreche

The Entire Group With Eric and Gerry

Lunch With Eric At Notre Dame De La Dreche

Jen And I Playing The Bells In The Bell Tower At Notre Dame De La Dreche
 Tomorrow is my Anatomy final!!!  I cannot wait until that test is over.  Only 3 more days until I'm "Home Sweet Home USA".

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