Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Spectacular Sunday

Today was a pretty busy day!

We all went to 11:15am mass.  Fr. Gabe helped Pere Jammes celebrate the mass.  Alot of translating from English to French and French to English took place during that mass.  Nevertheless, it was a very nice mass to attend, especially since the SFU President was able to help celebrate.
With Father Gabe and Pere Jammes
Marie and I (My French Professor)
Stone Room All Set Up
After mass, there was a huge lunch!!!  About 50 people were here for lunch.  The mayor of Ambialet, the deputy mayor of Albi, the President of the University of Albi, and Marie, our French professor, were just some of the people who attended today's luncheon.  This lunch was basically a four course meal.  We started with a different type of salad that I did not like very much.  We were then served lamb and vegetables, which was delicious.  After the main course, different kinds of cheese and bread was served.  Finally, for dessert we were given a chocolate brownie and a piece of fruit pie.  After lunch, it took ALOT of work to clean up all of the dishes and ultimately the entire stone room.

After lunch, I studied some anatomy and ate dinner, which I was not very hungry for.  This week should be like any other regular week here in Ambialet.  I will be busy studying for the next upcoming Anatomy exam, so I probably will not post for a couple of days.

Good Night All!

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