Friday, April 29, 2011

My Last Day In Ambialet, France

I cannot believe my semester is over!!!  This has been the trip of a lifetime!!  I have met some of the most amazing friends and I have seen so many things that not a lot of people can say that they have seen.  I've truly had the time of my life!!!!

Yesterday was our Anatomy final!  I'm soooooo happy that I am finished with Anatomy......for now that is.  I still have three more semesters left.  However, I feel as if I have accomplished so much by doing well in that class.  After the test I packed my stuff.  I need to thank Angela and Diamond for helping me.  I did not know I had accumulated so much stuff over the semester.  Unfortunately, I will be paying overweight charges on my luggage.  Sorry Dad.  Last night, Nadine had us down to the cafe and she made us apple pie and crepes.  It was nice to have a crepe one last time before leaving France.

As for today I watched the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.  It will be interesting tomorrow getting through London airport security.  As for the afternoon, I finished packing all of my stuff.    I just have a couple of things left to put in the suitcases tomorrow morning.  Also, Alicia, Jen, and I gave Shaq and Jay-Z a bath.  The rest of the day was just a "chill out" day.  As for our last dinner in France, we had a delicious meal!!!  We even had dessert!  Gerry and his wife also joined us for dinner which was nice.  In addition, we each shared our favorite memory of our semester.  It was a bittersweet moment, because it then hit me that we are actually leaving a country that was considered our "home" for the last four months.

I'm soo excited to come home tomorrow.  We will be leaving Ambialet around 8:00am and drive to Toulouse International Airport.  I believe our flight to London leaves at 11:55am.  We will arrive in London 1:00pm London time and I think our plane bound for Washington D.C. leaves around 3:00.  We should hopefully be arriving in the USA around 6:00pm EST.  I absolutely cannot wait to see my mom, dad, sister, and uncle waiting for me at the airport.  (I'm also excited to be able to have my phone back.)

To end this blog, I would like to thank a person that has done so much for all of us on this trip.  John Roche, the program assistant here has been wonderful.  He has made countless trips to Geant for all of us and has constantly watched over us throughout the semester.  He has just done so much for all of us here, and he definitely deserves a very big "thank you".  So, thank you so very much John!!  Best of luck at your new job as a teacher in State College!!! 

As one of my favorite songs says "Another summer day has come and gone away in Paris and Rome, and I wanna go home."  Therefore, as for now, "au revoir" and I'll see you all when I return home!!!!!!!!

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