Monday, April 18, 2011

Saturday In My French Hometown Of Ambialet

Saturday was probably one of the most fun days that I have had in France thus far.

Our morning started off by going canoeing on the Tarn River.  The ten of us who are left at the monastery, (nine other students went away for the free weekend), Dr. and Mrs. Powell, Tim, and his daughters Sophia and Olivia were taken about 15 miles from the monastery to start our journey.  Olivia and I shared a canoe.  I'm glad that she decided to come with me because I have never been canoeing before, and she has.  I must say that I think we worked pretty well as a team.  We made three stops along the 13 kilometer way back to Ambialet.  During these stops, we decided to swim in the Tarn River, I did not wear a swim suit, but a t-shirt and shorts work just fine.  The water actually was not too cold.  The ride down the river was a lot of work, I definitely had a good workout today, but it was tons of fun going through some of the small rapids that were along the way.
Angela and Diamond

Dinner At The Festival

After canoeing we attended a dinner/music festival down in the village of Ambialet. For dinner there was sausage or mussels and fries. Finally for dessert there was a strawberry pastry that was delicious.

However, Saturday night I got very sick. I just want to thank Alicia, Jen, and Zoe for being there with me part of Saturday night. But I really want to thank Alicia who spent two hours with me Sunday morning cleaning my room. Thank you so much Alicia!! I also want to thank Jen and Alicia for taking time and splitting up the 200 slide anatomy practical PowerPoint. I don't know what I would do without you two. They are both a definition of what it is to be a true friend.

Well this week will contain studying for my anatomy practical and getting ready for my final. We are going somewhere Wednesday, so I'll probably update then. Talk to you all later.

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