Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year

Bonjour Et Bonne Annee A Tous!!!  (Hello and Happy New Year Everyone!!!)

Thank you so much for coming to my blog.  While I'm studying abroad in Ambialet, France this spring semester, I hope to post updates on here as often as possible.

I have approximately 18 days until I depart for my 3 1/2 month journey to France.  I'm very excited for this "trip of a lifetime".  However, at the same time, I'm very nervous about being so far away from home, my family, and my close friends .

Lately, I have been busy starting to pack for France.  I thought that if I started early, I would be less likely to forget something important.  In addition, my dad has been figuring out my way of communication to the USA, especially since he knows that I LOVE to text .  Therefore, i got an app for my iPhone and my new iPad that I can still text (through the internet of course since international texting is very very expensive).  I also got a special cell phone through PicCell Wireless so that I will be able to use.  As for my last days in the USA, I want to try and cherish them all because as of January 20th my life will be changing slightly.

On Thursday January 20, the group of 22 students will meet at SFU and then we will get on a bus at 11am headed for Washington, DC.  We then take off on British Airways that evening around 5:45pm and have a 7 hour plane ride to London, England. We land in London Heathrow Friday January 21 around 6:00am (With the time change).  We then depart from London at 8:00am and then take an approximately 2 hour plane ride to Toulouse, France.  We should arrive in Toulouse around 10:30am and from there we will have about an hour and a half bus ride to our new home in Ambialet, France.  This is going to be a very busy day.  I heard from a student that just came back from France, that once we hit London, we are not allowed to sleep until 8:30pm or later (France time) in order to reduce jet lag.  

To end my first post on my blog, I would like to say a couple words to some special people who I'm truly going to miss a lot :

Mom and Dad - I will miss both of you sooo much.  I will be counting the days until spring break when I'll be able to see you again.  I know that I'll be thousands of miles away, but I'll be calling every single day.  Time goes fast and April 30th will be here before you know it.  Je T'aime!!!!  (I Love You!!!)

Samantha - Dearest Sister!!  You don't even know how much I'll miss you. However, you know that every time you're on Facebook, I'll be chatting you!!!!  Also, since I know that you'll be using my closet and jewelry boxes anyways, I'll give you permission to do so....just keep my closet organized like I have it now!!!!  I'll know if something is out of place when I get home!!!!

Ethan - I'll miss having lunch and studying in the library with you.  However, I'll still be able to text you with that new number I gave you and we will have to webcam frequently!  Also, remember to keep me updated with any new music you come across when I'm away!!  As of January 20th, only 100 days until I'm home! =)

Malia - I'll miss our endless hours of in being Gubbio.  Hopefully you got that webcam and we can see each other as much as possible.  You definitely have to keep me updated with all the latest gossip going on back home in the USA.

Taylor - You were an awesome roommate last semester and I'm so sad that I'm leaving you!!  Have a wonderful semester, I know that you will do just fine!!!  I'll be talking to you a lot on Skype, especially for my Anatomy quizzes (that was such a wonderful idea)!! 

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