Saturday, January 22, 2011

Who Knew A Supermarket Trip Would Be An Adventure?

Well, today did not start out great.  Last night, I fell asleep with my computer (and remember I'm on the top bunk).  Around 6:00 am we heard a BANG hit the floor.  It was my computer.  I rushed out of bed, only to find that my computer was still okay.  I went back to sleep and woke up around 8:30 am.  My roommate, Katie told me that her computer must have broken the fall of mine, because her screen was totally shattered.  She will be receiving a new computer from SFU hopefully soon and in the meantime, she is allowed to use mine whenever she needs to.

My day did get a lot better after this morning.  After the computer incident, we had breakfast which consisted of yogurt and french bread with nutella.  We then had an academic orientation meeting.  The rest of the day was free to do whatever we wanted.  Today's lunch consisted of salad, rice with pepperoni, and bread.  After lunch we made a trip to the supermarket  (called Geant), and let me tell all of you reading this, I have never been so confused in a supermarket before.  First off, since we are in France, so everything was in French and everyone was speaking French!  It was all very confusing, and most of the people were staring at us (they probably knew we didn't belong there).  While at the supermarket, we all bought some sort of French pastry to try tonight for a snack.  I bought Eclairs, Katie bought chocolate bars, Jen bought bread that had chocolate inside, and Alicia bought this raspberry cake.  I also bought a scarf while I was there.  While in line for checkout, there was a man in front of Katie.  He tried talking to her in French and motioning to his beer, then the scanner, and then his pocket.  All Katie could do while smile and nod while Jen, Alicia, and I were trying to hide our laughter.

Once home from the supermarket, the four of us girls took Jay-Z, our dog, for a walk and just explored the monastery and took a lot of pictures.  Before dinner, Henry, one of the program assistants, gave us a quick French lesson.  For dinner we had salad, french fries, beef tips, and bread.  For the rest of the evening, Katie, Jen, Alicia, and I ate the pastries we bought.  They were absolutely delicious, especially the Tranche Framboisier (translated to "slice of raspberry").  As for tomorrow, we are planning to go to church at 11:15 am and then bike down into the actual village of Ambialet!

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