Sunday, January 30, 2011


This was our first full three day weekend in France (since we have do not have classes on Friday).  Not too much happens over the weekends here.  On Friday I just worked on Anatomy and my Art Expose which is due Monday.  I had duck for the first time on Friday.  It was really dark meat that tasted like chicken.  It was different, but I do not know if I would want to eat it again.

Saturday was another laid back day.  It snowed here in Ambialet.  It reminded me of being back home in the USA.  However, this snow did not lay.  It was a heavy snow that, when it hit the ground, just became water.  Yesterday I worked on Anatomy all day and took my first quiz (got a 9/10, pretty excited about that).  For dinner, we had an "American" dinner.  Bernard made us mashed potato balls, chicken and ribs.  It was absolutely delicious!!  Katie taught me how to French braid my hair last night.  I love how she braids her hair all the time, so she showed me how.  Mine did not turn out too bad for the first time.  Later on around 1:00 am Brady gave me some soda and chocolate for a snack.  That was a bad combination that late at night when I should be trying to sleep.  Needless to say, I stay up most of the night (until about 4:30 am) texting my friend because I could not sleep.

This morning, Jen, Katie, Morgan, and I went to mass at 11:15am.  I again worked on Anatomy (I have to keep myself paced with this class since it is online and since I have a test in approximately two weeks).  I can tell that my weekends will be dedicated to Anatomy (it ruined my life last semester, and it continues to do the same this semester even though I'm in France).  Ohh the joys of being a Physician Assistant major!  For dinner we had pizza!!!!  Alicia, Jen, Katie, Morgan, and I went with John to go pick up the pizza for dinner.  This definitely was not your typical USA pizza place.  While we were there, the guy showed his us barn which had baby pigs in it.  He gave Alicia one of the pigs and the mother freaked out and the baby started crying.  The pizza was definitely different from USA pizza.  There was a lot more sauce and cheese was limited.  In addition, there was ham (since almost everything here in France has ham) and mushrooms.  To end my day, I skyped one of my best friends and last semester's roommate, Taylor.  Thankfully, we are going to room together next semester!!  I am so excited!!!  Tomorrow starts another week of classes, which means a week closer of coming home.  Even though I LOVE France so far, I still miss the USA.  Well, my Anatomy book and I have another late night date tonight.  Talk to you all soon!

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