Friday, January 21, 2011

I'M IN FRANCE?!?!?!?

Bonjour!!!!  I am officially in France!!   I cannot believe that I am actually here!!  It is absolutely beautiful!

Let me take you through our travels to France:

At 11:00 am EST we left SFU for Washington Dulles airport.  We arrived there around 2:00 pm EST and our plane left at 5:45 pm EST.  We received dinner on the plane, and let me tell you all a piece of advice.  DO NOT drink wine on a plane, you will get a headache afterwards.  That plane ride lasted 7 hours.  We were told that the best advice was trying to sleep on this flight, however, when it is only early evening to your body, it is really hard to sleep, so I did not sleep at all.  Once we were across the Atlantic Ocean, we could see the lights of Ireland when we flew over and when we landed in London, we were able to see the city lit up from the sky.  We arrived in London, England 5:40 am (England Time).  We then had a 1 1/2 hour layover in London until we departed for Toulouse, France at 7:50 am.  The 1 1/2 hour flight landed us in Toulouse around 11:00 am (France time).  By this time, the entire group was exhausted, but we were told that we were not allowed to go to sleep until after dinner.  After landing in Toulouse, we had to go through France passport control and collect our luggage (I got my first stamp in my passport!!!).  We were then put on a bus and we had a 1 hour 15 minute trip to our new home in Ambialet.

Once, at Ambialet, we were immediately greeted by the dog, Jay-Z.  We took our luggage up to our rooms and got ready for lunch (which is usually served at 1:00 pm).  For lunch, the monastery chef, Bernard, prepared us pasta with ham, salad, and of course no French meal is complete without French bread.  After lunch, we were all told that we would be put into groups of four and each group would have to do the dishes for that day.  After  our dish washing orientation, we had time to unpack, explore the monastery and its grounds and we had an tour of our new home.  After our tour, I had to get a shower, because I was wearing the same clothes for almost 24 hours.  We were then called to dinner (which is usually served between 7:30-8:00) by the "dinner bell" and it was delicious.  We had salad, chicken, and potato/vegetable medley, and bread.  Something I learned at dinner tonight, french bread with nutella on it is soooo good!!!!  After dinner, we were told that we are finally allowed to go and relax for the night.  We have to be gathered together by 10 am tomorrow morning ( or 4 am EST) for our academic orientation to get us ready for class on Monday.

Even though it is only early evening here, I have almost been up for 24 hours, and I am totally exhausted!!!

Bonsoir!!! (Good Night)

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