Sunday, January 23, 2011

Steelers Sunday....In France

Tonight the AFC Championship will take place against the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New York Jets at approximately 6:30 pm EST (12:30 France time).  I plan on staying up to watch the game, no matter how late it is here.  I cannot miss such an important football game.  In honor of the game, I wore my Troy Polamalu jersey today.  HERE WE GO STEELERS!!!!!

To start off my day, I attended 11:15 am mass at the chapel that is connected to the monastery.  We were told that the chapel was approximately built in the year 1060 A.D.  When we arrived at church, we were instantly greeted by the priest with a "Bonjour!".  We then told him our names in French.  The mass was done entirely in French.  However, John (our RA and Program Assistant) read the gospel to us in English after the priest was finished saying it in French.  We also recited the "Our Father" in English after it was said in French.  After mass, the priest gave each of us a prayer card with the Lady of Notre Dame on it.  We then had lunch, which consisted of salad, cheese ravioli (made with three different cheeses) and bread.  After lunch, a group of ten of us walked down to the village of Ambialet.  We explored the village and took many pictures.  In addition, I ordered my first glass of wine at Nadine's (I had to order it in French!).  On a side note, even being here for a couple days, I'm starting to "catch onto" some simple French phrases and words.  Anyways, the trip back up to the monastery was not fun.  I can finally see why they call the hill "Heartbreak Hill".  For dinner, we had salad, veal, broccili, cauliflower, and cheese casserole, and bread.  The rest of my night will consist of reading and outlining Anatomy (since classes start as of 1:15 pm tomorrow) and watching the Steelers' game!!

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