Friday, January 14, 2011

One Week Remaining

Hello All!!

This will be my last post from the USA.  We leave for France exactly one week from today.  I just returned from visiting St. Francis University and seeing some close friends.  I truly did not think seeing these few people for the last time until May 1st would be so difficult for me.  Apparently, I was totally wrong about that statement (lots of crying).  However, one of my best friends from high school told me earlier in the week, "do not say goodbye, instead say see you later".  I really liked thinking of it that way.  The word "goodbye" seems more of a terminal phrase than "see you later".

My major task this weekend and next week will be trying to get everything into suitcases, which have to be no more than 50 pounds (could be a problem).  Samantha claims that she is more than happy to help me pack, because she does not want me taking anything that she wants.

My next post will be from France.  Hopefully I'll be able to post something Friday night, and I'll be able to tell you all about our trip to Ambialet!!!  As for now, I will miss everyone so much and I will "see you later!!!!".

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