Monday, January 31, 2011

Start Of School Week #2

Well today was the start of school week number two here in Ambialet.  I did not have class until 3:30 pm so I was able to sleep until 10:00am!  For lunch, we had to walk down to Nadine's.  The walk down was not bad, except for it taking 15 minutes to get there.  Lunch was delicious as it normally is here in France.  Unfortunately, the hike back up to the monastery was killer!!! We decided to take the trail instead of the road, because it is quicker.  However, this trail was all rocks and it was very very very steep.  Lets just say that by the time we got to the top of the hill, I was exhausted!!!  I am not going to look forward to making the hike up and down the hill every Monday, but if we did not have the hill, we would not have the beautiful view we see everyday out of our windows! After lunch, we had Art History with Gerry.  My group was supposed to present our expose today, however we ran out of time, and our group has to do two presentations next Monday.  After Art, the Anatomy students had a Skype call with Dr. Langer.  After Anatomy, we had a local artist from Albi come to visit us.  He paints cityscapes and landscapes of the city of Albi, and they are absolutely beautiful!!  He did not speak much English, so Gerry translated for us.  For the rest of the evening, some of the girls watched a movie in the common room.  Maybe I'll go and stop by Brady's room and see what he has for me to eat tonight! Hahaha! Au Revoir!!! =)

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