Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Un, Deux, Trois.....

According to all of the Facebook statuses and texts I have seen through out the day, apparently the weather is absolutely horrible back in the States.  I definitely do not miss the snow, cold and ice!!  I wish I could send some of our weather back home to you all.  There is no snow here but it is cold outside.  However, according to the weather channel website, it is supposed to get into the 50's this week.

My day started out with going to French class from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.  I really enjoy that class.  However, after a while, I do get a little frustrated because it is all in French, and it is sometimes difficult to understand what Marie wants us to do.  Nonetheless, she keeps class interesting and fun so the three hours just flies bye.  Today we learned how to count, so as of now the French numbers keep going through my head since we practiced them so much (hence the title of this blog post).  For lunch, Bernard made us hot dogs and they were wrapped in a puff pastry instead of having it on a bun.  After lunch, we had our first real anatomy lab.  It was a blood typing lab.  According to my test results, I'm A+ blood type.  I wanted to confirm my results with my parents back home, but....they were of no help to me, since they were not sure.

Anatomy Lab...In France

Then 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm we had our Religious Studies class with Eric.  We learned about saints and relics and about the architecture of churches.  We will be visiting Conques, which is about two hours away, with him tomorrow.  For dinner, we had beef, noodles with cheese and butter, and salad.  For the rest of the evening, I have to finish up Chapter 17 for Anatomy and start on my next art presentation.

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