Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Bonjour mes amis!!!  I know it has been a couple of days since my last post, so I thought I'd give you all an update before we leave for BARCELONA, SPAIN!!!!

After the deadful anatomy test on Saturday, Sunday was a relaxing day.  On Sunday I skyped with my sister, Samantha for two full hours!!!  It was nice talking to her and seeing her (I miss her a lot).  We also had a book discussion on Sunday night followed by dinner which consisted of pizza and pasta.  I ended my Sunday by skyping my best friend Ethan. =)

Monday was Valentines Day!!! <3  My roommates Rachel and Katie (I tried to help, even though my artistic ability is lacking) made Valentines for everyone's room door.  I only had my Art History class Monday, and I had a presentation due on the artist, Turner.  However, yesterday, Jay-Z (our dog) got a new friend.  Tim's daughter's Olivia and Sophia went to the pound and brought us back a new dog.  They named him Shaq and he is a black golden retriever/lab mix.  He looks like a little black bear!  He is so adorable!!!
Today was a busy day.  I had French class this morning and we had a quiz and we learned how to say what we like and don't like.  After French, we had lunch and then anatomy lab.  In lab, we "attempted" to dissect our cat.  We need to be able to identify at least 80 different arteries and veins in the cat.  So we tried to dissect the arteries and veins out, and we then took pictures to label and then send to Dr. Langer in order to receive our grade.  After anatomy lab, we had our last Religious Study course with Eric.  We then had dinner, and spent the rest of the night packing and getting ready for our trip to Barcelona!!!!

As for our trip over the next few days, we leave tomorrow.  We first go to Carcassone, France for our last pilgrimage with Eric.  We are then staying the night in Narbonne, France.  On Thursday we will arrive in Barcelona, Spain and we will be there until Sunday.  We should arrive home to Ambialet around 8:00pm Sunday (France time).  I should have Internet in Barcelona, so I will try to keep this blog updated along with pictures.  If I do not have time to update, I will update everything once I get back to Ambialet.

Have a wonderful upcoming week and weekend everyone!!!  Bonne Nuit! =)

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