Saturday, February 19, 2011

Barcelona Day #2

Today was an amazing day in sunny Barcelona!  We woke up early to go to Sagrada Familia, a Basilica dedicated to the Holy Family.  This was the most amazing and beautiful structure I have ever seen in my entire life.  Construction on this Basilica started in 1882 and it is projected to be completed in the year 2025.  The Spanish architect, Gaudi designed this church.  One of the first things that you see as you look at the church are the tall towers.  As of now, not all of the towers are complete.  Each of the towers has symbolism.  There are 12 little towers to represent the twelve Apostles, there will be four higher towers to represent the four Evangelists, there will be a tower dedicated to Mary, and the tallest tower will be dedicated to Jesus.  The entire front facade of the Basilica depicted scenes of the Holy Family.  Scenes on this facade included; The Flight Into Egypt and the Nativity.  There was so much symbolism on just this on facade.  The inside of the church was just as amazing as the outside.  The inside was not completely finished, but it was still beautiful!!!  The ceiling is the first thing that strikes you as you enter the church.  It is magnificent!!!  The stained glass windows are also very noticeable once you enter the church.  They are so bright and when the sun hits them, the colors scatter throughout the church.  The second facade of the church depicts Jesus' crucifixion.  Scenes on this facade included; Judas betraying Jesus, the Crucifixion, Veronica's Veil, and Jesus falling on His way to Calvary.  This Basilica will be absolutely breathtaking when it is completely finished.
Sagrada Familia
Inside Sagrada Familia
 After seeing the Sangada Familia, the usual group of six went to do some more shopping and met the entire group for lunch.  After lunch, we went to the Picasso Museum.  Some of his works are very.....interesting.  After seeing the museum, all of us were completely exhausted and our feet were killing us since we did so much walking.  We went back to the hostel and relaxed for a couple hours.

We then went to dinner.  After dinner the group went to a Flamenco dancing show.  It was definitely very unique.  It definitely reminded me that I was in Spain since it was very "Spanish".
Flamenco Show
Tomorrow we have to meet John and Gerry at 9:30 to see one last museum in Barcelona.  After that, we will have the rest of the day to do whatever we want for our last day in Barcelona, Spain.  I really like Barcelona so far, but I'm ready to go back to Ambialet.  Ambialet reminds me of a "home away from home".  Talk to everyone tomorrow!!  Buenos Noches!!! =)

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