Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trip #2 To Albi

HERE WE GO STEELERS!!!  From Albi, France
Today we had our second trip to Albi.  From 9:00 am - 12:00 am we had our French class.  During our class break, Elisabeth made us all crepes in honor of "Crepe Day" celebrated here in France.  She bought nutella that we could put in the middle of them.  They were delicious.  Marie told us she would bring us the recipe for crepes, so then I can try to made them when I get home.  After class, we ate lunch at the university cafeteria and visited a museum in Albi.  After the museum visit, we had about two hours of free time.  Jen, Alicia, Katie, Morgan, Rachel, and I went with John and he first took us to this cafe called Le Point.  I ordered hot chocolate and Katie and I shared these creme puffs filled with vanilla ice cream and covered with chocolate.  France has some of the best food I have ever eaten!!!  After the cafe, Katie spotted a store, and even though we said we would only be a few seconds, we spent at least 20 minutes looking through clothes, shoes, and scarves.  We then went to the Irish Pub and I ordered my first beer.  Actually, it was more like beer with a shot in it, but it was really good! 

I had a great end to my day!  I received a package from home and a card from my mom's friend.  My mom sent me PEANUT  BUTTER CUPS and other Valentine's Day related things.  My mom's friend sent me a Blessed Mother necklace.  Katie also received a package from her parents.  For about 15 minutes, it felt like Christmas Day in our room!  We were so excited to received things from the USA!!!  Thank you mom and dad sooo much!!!  I love you guys and I cannot wait until spring break, it sounds like a wonderful trip you have planned!!!

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