Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Happy Groundhog Day to all you back in the states, and to all you here in France, Happy Crepe Day!  Today, we traveled to Conques.  Now, for all of you who are not familiar with the French language, the name of village is pronounced "Conk".  This little village is about 2 hours away from Ambialet.  This village was so quaint!  It was built on a hillside and it is just absolutely beautiful!!  I would not mind living there!!  However, since it was built on a hillside, all of our walking was uphill.  Sometimes I think this entire country is just built on a hill since it seems we are always walking up some sort of hill.  Once at the top, we visited the church of Saint Foy.  Interesting fact....Santa Fe, New Mexico is named after her.  This church was pretty, but it was not as spectacular as the other ones we have seen so far.  We also visited the museum there which had her relics present.  After visiting the church, Morgan, Alicia, Jen, Katie, John, and I went to this little cafe, and since it was crepe day, we, of course, ordered crepes (I had a chocolate one)!  I also had chocolat chaud (or hot chocolate).  Once again, the waiter did not speak any English, so I was thankful that John was there to translate.  We then headed back home to Ambialet and John had a French study table session since we have class tomorrow in Albi.  Well, I must get back to my Anatomy book, that upcoming test in quickly approaching!  Bon Soir!!!

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