Monday, February 28, 2011

Another Update

I'm sorry I have not written a blog in a while, but I  was busy studying for the Anatomy exam we had on Saturday.  For this exam, we needed to know all of the circulatory pathways in the body.  Dr. Langer told us that the test would be a flow chart and we would have to fill in the blanks with the appropriate artery or vein.  When we got the test on Saturday, there were no arrows!!!  The test just had random "floating" lines and words.  We had to call Dr. Langer so she could then explain to us where all of the arrows went.  After we had the arrows, the test did not seem as bad.  Dr. Langer has been so understanding and willing to work with our schedule.  Anatomy is such a difficult class, and I'm so happy that we can e-mail her anytime with questions and she is always very helpful.

As for the upcoming week, I need to get three papers done before we leave for Paris on March 9th.  We anatomy students also have our first lab practical on Thursday, so I know I'll be busy studying for that the next couple of days.

As of today, it is officially less than two weeks until I see my parents and sister!  I'm so excited to see them and to spend spring break with them.  By the time we get back from break, we only have one more month left in France.  I'm getting kind of excited to come home.  I miss everyone back home sooo much!!!!  I'm also excited to have a glass of milk when I get home.  The milk here in France isn't the same.  It is unpasturized and you do not refrigerate it until you open it.  I have not been brave enough to try to milk here.  I'm also craving Sheetz chicken snack wraps and some mexican at Rey Azteca.  Mom and Dad....just be aware, I'm compiling my list of USA food that I want when I come home. ready to make pancakes that first Sunday I'm home!!!

Well, I should get back to studying for my lab practical.  I've usually done well on my practicals in Loretto, so I hope I can do just as well with an online practical.

Bonne Nuit!!


  1. we will have to make a trip to rey azteca when you get back, ive been getting hungry for that myself :)

  2. Pancakes will be waiting for you as soon as you are home!!! Dad
