Thursday, February 10, 2011

Moissac and Montauban

Hello all!!  I know I haven't posted in a few days, but not too much as gone on here in Ambialet except for studying Anatomy.  Well, to start, the Steelers were defeated by the Green Bay Packers in the Superbowl on Sunday night.  I stayed up until 4:30am for nothing.  Ohh well, it was still unique watching the Superbowl from France.  Monday and Tuesday were dedicated to classes and studying for our Anatomy test which is now only four days away.

Tarn River
Today was an absolutely beautiful day in France!!  It was 60 degrees!!  We were able to walk around outside without a jacket on.  Today we traveled to Moissac and Montauban.  In Moissac we visited one of the cloisters and pilgrimage churches there.  These European churches are just absolutely beautiful.  They cannot compare to churches back in the USA.  Since there was not much to do in Moissac, we went to a city named Mantauban so we could have some free time to do whatever we wanted.  So, John, Alicia, Jen, Brady, Morgan, Rachel, Katie, and I first went to a little cafe.  I had hot chocolate, which was very very good.  After that, we did a little shopping.  I bought a pair of shoes and three shirts.  We also went to a pastry shop and I got a chocolate eclair, and I ordered it all in French without trying to speak English!!  I was so proud of myself!!

Tomorrow we travel to Albi for our French class, then we are going to a wine vineyard and wine tasting!  Well, back to Anatomy! A Demain!!!

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