Monday, February 28, 2011

Another Update

I'm sorry I have not written a blog in a while, but I  was busy studying for the Anatomy exam we had on Saturday.  For this exam, we needed to know all of the circulatory pathways in the body.  Dr. Langer told us that the test would be a flow chart and we would have to fill in the blanks with the appropriate artery or vein.  When we got the test on Saturday, there were no arrows!!!  The test just had random "floating" lines and words.  We had to call Dr. Langer so she could then explain to us where all of the arrows went.  After we had the arrows, the test did not seem as bad.  Dr. Langer has been so understanding and willing to work with our schedule.  Anatomy is such a difficult class, and I'm so happy that we can e-mail her anytime with questions and she is always very helpful.

As for the upcoming week, I need to get three papers done before we leave for Paris on March 9th.  We anatomy students also have our first lab practical on Thursday, so I know I'll be busy studying for that the next couple of days.

As of today, it is officially less than two weeks until I see my parents and sister!  I'm so excited to see them and to spend spring break with them.  By the time we get back from break, we only have one more month left in France.  I'm getting kind of excited to come home.  I miss everyone back home sooo much!!!!  I'm also excited to have a glass of milk when I get home.  The milk here in France isn't the same.  It is unpasturized and you do not refrigerate it until you open it.  I have not been brave enough to try to milk here.  I'm also craving Sheetz chicken snack wraps and some mexican at Rey Azteca.  Mom and Dad....just be aware, I'm compiling my list of USA food that I want when I come home. ready to make pancakes that first Sunday I'm home!!!

Well, I should get back to studying for my lab practical.  I've usually done well on my practicals in Loretto, so I hope I can do just as well with an online practical.

Bonne Nuit!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Barcelona Day #3 and #4

Yesterday was our last day in Barcelona, Spain.  We, once again, woke up early and we took a trip to the Miro museum.  I must say, some of his works of art were very....different.  It is sometimes hard to see what these artists were thinking when they created some of their pieces.  After the museum we went to Parqueguell.  From this park we had a MAGNIFICENT view of the city of Barcelona.  It was a beautiful view when we got to the top of the hill.  From the park, Brady, Morgan and I took a taxi back to Passage de Gracia (where we were staying and had lunch).  The taxi driver only spoke Spanish, so if it wasn't for Brady, who had a lot of Spanish in high school, Morgan and I would have been lost.

After lunch, we had the rest of the afternoon/evening to do whatever we wanted.  Our usual group of six went to the beach that was located on the Mediterranean Sea.  The water was absolutely freezing.  However, it was very blue and very clear.  It was weird being on a beach in Barcelona in the middle of February.

We then went back to the hostel to get ready and we had dinner at a seafood restaurant located in the Barcelona Port.  I had past with shrimp in it.  It was very good!  After dinner, it was Morgan's birthday, so we decided to go out for the evening with her.

Today, we left Barcelona and we drove for an hour and a half went to the Dali art museum.  When you think art cannot get any more unique, it does!!!  His works have to be the most unique out of all of the artists we have come across during this trip.  After the visit to the museum, we had an approximately five hour trip back to Ambialet.  I slept the whole time!!!  I think I woke up when we got to Albi, and from there we only had twenty minutes of the trip left.  I LOVED Barcelona but, I am so happy to be back "home" in Ambialet!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Barcelona Day #2

Today was an amazing day in sunny Barcelona!  We woke up early to go to Sagrada Familia, a Basilica dedicated to the Holy Family.  This was the most amazing and beautiful structure I have ever seen in my entire life.  Construction on this Basilica started in 1882 and it is projected to be completed in the year 2025.  The Spanish architect, Gaudi designed this church.  One of the first things that you see as you look at the church are the tall towers.  As of now, not all of the towers are complete.  Each of the towers has symbolism.  There are 12 little towers to represent the twelve Apostles, there will be four higher towers to represent the four Evangelists, there will be a tower dedicated to Mary, and the tallest tower will be dedicated to Jesus.  The entire front facade of the Basilica depicted scenes of the Holy Family.  Scenes on this facade included; The Flight Into Egypt and the Nativity.  There was so much symbolism on just this on facade.  The inside of the church was just as amazing as the outside.  The inside was not completely finished, but it was still beautiful!!!  The ceiling is the first thing that strikes you as you enter the church.  It is magnificent!!!  The stained glass windows are also very noticeable once you enter the church.  They are so bright and when the sun hits them, the colors scatter throughout the church.  The second facade of the church depicts Jesus' crucifixion.  Scenes on this facade included; Judas betraying Jesus, the Crucifixion, Veronica's Veil, and Jesus falling on His way to Calvary.  This Basilica will be absolutely breathtaking when it is completely finished.
Sagrada Familia
Inside Sagrada Familia
 After seeing the Sangada Familia, the usual group of six went to do some more shopping and met the entire group for lunch.  After lunch, we went to the Picasso Museum.  Some of his works are very.....interesting.  After seeing the museum, all of us were completely exhausted and our feet were killing us since we did so much walking.  We went back to the hostel and relaxed for a couple hours.

We then went to dinner.  After dinner the group went to a Flamenco dancing show.  It was definitely very unique.  It definitely reminded me that I was in Spain since it was very "Spanish".
Flamenco Show
Tomorrow we have to meet John and Gerry at 9:30 to see one last museum in Barcelona.  After that, we will have the rest of the day to do whatever we want for our last day in Barcelona, Spain.  I really like Barcelona so far, but I'm ready to go back to Ambialet.  Ambialet reminds me of a "home away from home".  Talk to everyone tomorrow!!  Buenos Noches!!! =)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Barcelona Day #1

Columbus Pointing Toward The Mediterranean
Touching The Water Of The Mediterranean Sea
Gaudi House
Hola (now I have to switch to Spanish instead of French)!!!  Today we arrived in Barcelona, Spain!!!  This city reminds me of New York City, but Barcelona's architecture is more elegant than New York City.  We left Narbonne, France this morning at 9:00 am and we had an approximately three hour ride to Spain.  Needless to say, I spent almost all of the trip sleeping and I missed going across the border into Spain.  For some reason, every time I get on the bus, I fall immediately asleep.  Anyways, we arrived at our hostel in Barcelona around 12:30 pm.  We had lunch at this buffet at 1:00pm and we had the afternoon to do whatever we wanted.  Jen, Alicia, Katie, Morgan, and I went shopping in some of the stores that were close to the hostel we were staying at.  At 4:30pm we all met to go to the Gaudi House.  This house was designed by a famous Spanish architect named Gaudi.  After visiting the house, we had more free time.  Brady, Jen, Alicia, Morgan, Katie, and I went to go see the Mediterranean Sea.  In order to get to the Mediterranean Sea, we had to use the Barcelona Metro System.  It was just like using the subway system in NYC, except everything is in Spanish instead of English.  When we got to the Mediterranean, it did not look as clear as it does in pictures, since today was rainy and we went there towards evening time.  However, on Saturday we plan on going to the beach when the weather should be nicer.  After visiting the Mediterranean for the first time in all of our lives, we took the metro back to go to dinner.  We went to a place called "Tapa Tapa".  At dinner we ordered a pitcher of Sangria!!!  It was delicious!!!!  There is no better place to get Sangria than Spain!  After dinner, we came back to the hostel and uploaded pictures on our computers.

Tomorrow, we have to get up early and get ourselves to Sagrada Familia, which is this massive cathedral that has been under construction since the 1800's.  It looks spectacular in pictures, so I'm very excited to see it!  We are also visiting the Picasso museum tomorrow.  Tomorrow should be a very busy day!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Today we started our trip toward Barcelona, Spain.  We ventured to the city of Carcassonne, France.  This city is actually found within castle walls.  It is absolutely incredible, especially when seen from a distance.  Once inside the city proper, we visited a church.  Housed within this church are the most spectacular stained glass windows in Southern France.  After visiting the church, we had free time to go get lunch.  Brady, Jen, Alicia, Katie, Rachel, and I went to this cafe and Alicia and I split a pizza.  Pizza definitely tastes different than USA pizza.  Once we left Carcassonne, we visited an Abbey located in Fontfroide.  Once we left Fontfroide, we arrived at our hotel in Narbonne, France.  We were allowed to do whatever we wanted once we checked into our hotel.  Brady, Jen, Alicia, Katie, and I went to walk around.  Katie and I bought some clothes.  French clothes are just too cute!  We then got dinner at a restaurant located next to our hotel.  For the rest of the night, I'm going to attempt to start reading the next section of anatomy and Katie is going to braid my hair for tomorrow. 

 Tomorrow we will arrive in Barcelona, Spain!!!  I should hopefully have internet at our hostel, so I'll try to be in touch with everyone tomorrow evening.  Bonne Nuit!! =)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Bonjour mes amis!!!  I know it has been a couple of days since my last post, so I thought I'd give you all an update before we leave for BARCELONA, SPAIN!!!!

After the deadful anatomy test on Saturday, Sunday was a relaxing day.  On Sunday I skyped with my sister, Samantha for two full hours!!!  It was nice talking to her and seeing her (I miss her a lot).  We also had a book discussion on Sunday night followed by dinner which consisted of pizza and pasta.  I ended my Sunday by skyping my best friend Ethan. =)

Monday was Valentines Day!!! <3  My roommates Rachel and Katie (I tried to help, even though my artistic ability is lacking) made Valentines for everyone's room door.  I only had my Art History class Monday, and I had a presentation due on the artist, Turner.  However, yesterday, Jay-Z (our dog) got a new friend.  Tim's daughter's Olivia and Sophia went to the pound and brought us back a new dog.  They named him Shaq and he is a black golden retriever/lab mix.  He looks like a little black bear!  He is so adorable!!!
Today was a busy day.  I had French class this morning and we had a quiz and we learned how to say what we like and don't like.  After French, we had lunch and then anatomy lab.  In lab, we "attempted" to dissect our cat.  We need to be able to identify at least 80 different arteries and veins in the cat.  So we tried to dissect the arteries and veins out, and we then took pictures to label and then send to Dr. Langer in order to receive our grade.  After anatomy lab, we had our last Religious Study course with Eric.  We then had dinner, and spent the rest of the night packing and getting ready for our trip to Barcelona!!!!

As for our trip over the next few days, we leave tomorrow.  We first go to Carcassone, France for our last pilgrimage with Eric.  We are then staying the night in Narbonne, France.  On Thursday we will arrive in Barcelona, Spain and we will be there until Sunday.  We should arrive home to Ambialet around 8:00pm Sunday (France time).  I should have Internet in Barcelona, so I will try to keep this blog updated along with pictures.  If I do not have time to update, I will update everything once I get back to Ambialet.

Have a wonderful upcoming week and weekend everyone!!!  Bonne Nuit! =)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Je n'aime pas l'anatomie

Well, my first Anatomy II exam of the semester is over. =(  I think the picture above explains how I feel about it (Katie took this picture of me the other day).  I will say, taking this course online is super tough. 

After the dreaded A&P test, John took some of us to Geant, and we bought ourselves some Gelato to drown our sorrows.  Since this test is finally over, I plan on doing nothing tonight.  My brain cannot handle anymore information for today.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gaillac and Wine Tasting

Yesterday was another beautiful day in the country of France!  I can definitely get used to 60 degree weather in the middle of February.  Yesterday we traveled to Albi for our usual three hour French class.  After class, we visited a town called Gaillac.  Gaillac is known for their wine, so we visited a wine making museum.  As a second part to our wine learning experience, students from a local wine school came to Ambialet and taught us about wine tasting and different kinds of wines.  They all stayed for dinner and Bernard never disappoints!  We had lamb, vegetables, and apple pie!  Everything was absolutely delicious.  Also yesterday, I received a package from home!  My mom sent me gobs, hot chocolate, a thermos for my hot chocolate, and a purse that I forgot at home.  Thanks mom and dad!  I love you guys!

Town Of Gaillac

Today will be dedicated to my beloved anatomy book, seeing that my test is tomorrow at 3:00pm.  I'm pretty nervous about it, but hopefully I'll do okay.  The exam is on the Endocrine System, Blood, and the Heart.  It is a lot of information to cover, so I better get back to studying!

Miss you all so much!!! =)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Moissac and Montauban

Hello all!!  I know I haven't posted in a few days, but not too much as gone on here in Ambialet except for studying Anatomy.  Well, to start, the Steelers were defeated by the Green Bay Packers in the Superbowl on Sunday night.  I stayed up until 4:30am for nothing.  Ohh well, it was still unique watching the Superbowl from France.  Monday and Tuesday were dedicated to classes and studying for our Anatomy test which is now only four days away.

Tarn River
Today was an absolutely beautiful day in France!!  It was 60 degrees!!  We were able to walk around outside without a jacket on.  Today we traveled to Moissac and Montauban.  In Moissac we visited one of the cloisters and pilgrimage churches there.  These European churches are just absolutely beautiful.  They cannot compare to churches back in the USA.  Since there was not much to do in Moissac, we went to a city named Mantauban so we could have some free time to do whatever we wanted.  So, John, Alicia, Jen, Brady, Morgan, Rachel, Katie, and I first went to a little cafe.  I had hot chocolate, which was very very good.  After that, we did a little shopping.  I bought a pair of shoes and three shirts.  We also went to a pastry shop and I got a chocolate eclair, and I ordered it all in French without trying to speak English!!  I was so proud of myself!!

Tomorrow we travel to Albi for our French class, then we are going to a wine vineyard and wine tasting!  Well, back to Anatomy! A Demain!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


HERE WE GO STEELERS!  HERE WE GO!  PITTSBURGH'S GOIN' TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!  Today is Superbowl Sunday and when I'm usually spending it at home with my family, I'm 3000 miles away in France.  Today, my family is going to the strip district in Pittsburgh, without me of course!!!  I cannot wait to watch the game tonight.  It will be on around 12:00-12:30am over here.  But, the Steelers are worth a sleepless night (especially if they win)!  Plus, I do not have class until 3:30pm tomorrow anyways.

This weekend has consisted of Anatomy since we have a test next Saturday at 3:00pm!  Nothing else really goes on during the weekends; just lots of studying and working on homework.  However, even though Anatomy is ruining Jen, Alicia, Morgan, Katie, and my life, we somehow make some fun when we get bored with studying (you girls know what I mean).

Well, I do not have much more to say today for today.  Hopefully the Steelers win!!!!!  HERE WE GO!!!
Tchao!! =)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trip #2 To Albi

HERE WE GO STEELERS!!!  From Albi, France
Today we had our second trip to Albi.  From 9:00 am - 12:00 am we had our French class.  During our class break, Elisabeth made us all crepes in honor of "Crepe Day" celebrated here in France.  She bought nutella that we could put in the middle of them.  They were delicious.  Marie told us she would bring us the recipe for crepes, so then I can try to made them when I get home.  After class, we ate lunch at the university cafeteria and visited a museum in Albi.  After the museum visit, we had about two hours of free time.  Jen, Alicia, Katie, Morgan, Rachel, and I went with John and he first took us to this cafe called Le Point.  I ordered hot chocolate and Katie and I shared these creme puffs filled with vanilla ice cream and covered with chocolate.  France has some of the best food I have ever eaten!!!  After the cafe, Katie spotted a store, and even though we said we would only be a few seconds, we spent at least 20 minutes looking through clothes, shoes, and scarves.  We then went to the Irish Pub and I ordered my first beer.  Actually, it was more like beer with a shot in it, but it was really good! 

I had a great end to my day!  I received a package from home and a card from my mom's friend.  My mom sent me PEANUT  BUTTER CUPS and other Valentine's Day related things.  My mom's friend sent me a Blessed Mother necklace.  Katie also received a package from her parents.  For about 15 minutes, it felt like Christmas Day in our room!  We were so excited to received things from the USA!!!  Thank you mom and dad sooo much!!!  I love you guys and I cannot wait until spring break, it sounds like a wonderful trip you have planned!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Happy Groundhog Day to all you back in the states, and to all you here in France, Happy Crepe Day!  Today, we traveled to Conques.  Now, for all of you who are not familiar with the French language, the name of village is pronounced "Conk".  This little village is about 2 hours away from Ambialet.  This village was so quaint!  It was built on a hillside and it is just absolutely beautiful!!  I would not mind living there!!  However, since it was built on a hillside, all of our walking was uphill.  Sometimes I think this entire country is just built on a hill since it seems we are always walking up some sort of hill.  Once at the top, we visited the church of Saint Foy.  Interesting fact....Santa Fe, New Mexico is named after her.  This church was pretty, but it was not as spectacular as the other ones we have seen so far.  We also visited the museum there which had her relics present.  After visiting the church, Morgan, Alicia, Jen, Katie, John, and I went to this little cafe, and since it was crepe day, we, of course, ordered crepes (I had a chocolate one)!  I also had chocolat chaud (or hot chocolate).  Once again, the waiter did not speak any English, so I was thankful that John was there to translate.  We then headed back home to Ambialet and John had a French study table session since we have class tomorrow in Albi.  Well, I must get back to my Anatomy book, that upcoming test in quickly approaching!  Bon Soir!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Un, Deux, Trois.....

According to all of the Facebook statuses and texts I have seen through out the day, apparently the weather is absolutely horrible back in the States.  I definitely do not miss the snow, cold and ice!!  I wish I could send some of our weather back home to you all.  There is no snow here but it is cold outside.  However, according to the weather channel website, it is supposed to get into the 50's this week.

My day started out with going to French class from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.  I really enjoy that class.  However, after a while, I do get a little frustrated because it is all in French, and it is sometimes difficult to understand what Marie wants us to do.  Nonetheless, she keeps class interesting and fun so the three hours just flies bye.  Today we learned how to count, so as of now the French numbers keep going through my head since we practiced them so much (hence the title of this blog post).  For lunch, Bernard made us hot dogs and they were wrapped in a puff pastry instead of having it on a bun.  After lunch, we had our first real anatomy lab.  It was a blood typing lab.  According to my test results, I'm A+ blood type.  I wanted to confirm my results with my parents back home, but....they were of no help to me, since they were not sure.

Anatomy Lab...In France

Then 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm we had our Religious Studies class with Eric.  We learned about saints and relics and about the architecture of churches.  We will be visiting Conques, which is about two hours away, with him tomorrow.  For dinner, we had beef, noodles with cheese and butter, and salad.  For the rest of the evening, I have to finish up Chapter 17 for Anatomy and start on my next art presentation.