Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well, I safely made it to Toulouse, France with my friends after dealing with a delay and a missed flight.

We left Sorrento Italy around 9:00am and we hit a lot of traffic to the airport!  We arrived at the airport around 10:30am.  We checked into the airport and when I first checked in, the lady told me I had a 20 minute flight delay.  After my parents checked in, the lady told them that there was an hour delay.  If the plane we on time, I would have had only 20 minutes to get to my connecting plane to Toulouse.  Well, once we got on the plane, my family and I already knew I missed my connecting flight since the flight from Naples to Paris was going to take two hours.  I was highly upset during the Naples to Paris that my parents were going to leave me alone since they would have only 20 minutes to get to their plane.  However, when we got close to Paris we were told that both my flight and my parents' flight will be gone by the time we arrive.  Let me just say, my parents were not happy that they missed their flight because of the inefficiency of Air France.

When the plane landed in Pairs it was 4:30pm.  My family and I proceeded to the Air France ticket desk.  My flight was changed to a 6:45 departure.  Unfortunately, my parents have to wait until tomorrow to get a flight back to the USA.  Therefore, Air France had to pay for their dinner, hotel, and breakfast.  I said "goodbye" to my parents and I left for my terminal in order to catch my new flight.  I safely made it to the terminal and made it on my plane to Toulouse.  However, it was one of the roughest flights I have ever been on.  There was a lot of turbulence and it was a pretty rough landing.

When my flight landed, I got my luggage (thank goodness it made it to Toulouse).  I then got a taxi and went to the hotel to meet Katie, Morgan, Jen, Brady, and Alicia.  I have never been soo happy to see them!

Tomorrow, we have to get back to Albi on a train.  I'm absolutely exhausted from today (I tried to get some sleep on my Toulouse flight but that did not happen)!  I hope my family has a very safe flight tomorrow morning!!  I love you guys and thank you for a wonderful spring break!

Good Night Everyone!

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