Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'M IN PARIS!!!!!!!!  Today was such an exciting day!  I'll take you through my day:

We all left Ambialet bright and early at 7:30 am.  We took three rest stops along the way and those were about the only times I was awake during the entire trip.  We arrived in Paris around 5:00 pm.  It was so exciting seeing the Eiffel Tower from the highway because that gave me the realization that we were actually in Paris.  As everyone can confirm, I got very excited when I saw the Eiffel Tower from my window.  We arrived at FIAP, our hotel, first.  After a brief orientation from the staff, Gerry told us that we would be going to see the Eiffel Tower later tonight.  When he said that, I was filled with excitement.  We then went to see our rooms.  Katie and I are roommates.  We were not in the room 15 minutes when Katie comes out of the bathroom with her finger bleeding.  She reached in her suitcase to get something and her razor gave her a big cut on her finger.  There is never a dull moment on this trip.  We then ate dinner at the hotel and then got on the metro to go see the Eiffel Tower. 

We stopped at one stop beyond the Eiffel Tower in order to get a full view of it.  Just as we arrived the Tower started to sparkle!  Every hour on the hour the Tower sparkles for about 5 to 10 minutes.  It was a absolutely beautiful thing to see.  Jen, Alicia, Katie and I then walked toward the Eiffel Tower and we decided we wanted to go to the top.  The wait in line was only about 30 minutes, so we did not have to wait too long.  Once we arrived at the top, the view was ABSOLUTELY ASTONISHING!!!  Seeing Paris from atop the Tower will be something I will never forget.  On our way back to the metro, we stopped to get a snack.  Well, lets just say that Katie and Alicia had a dance party with the guy who was making the crepes.  Haha, it was definitely.....interesting.  We then got back on the metro to get back to our hostel.

Tomorrow, we have to meet at 9:30 am for another busy day.  With today being over, there are only four more days until I get to see my parents!!!

Good Night Everyone!!

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