Thursday, March 10, 2011

Paris Day #2 was an extremely busy day!!!  We got up at 7:30am to be down at breakfast by 8:20am.  After breakfast, we had a seminar with Gerry about the history of France and about our itinerary for the next 5 days.  We then took the bus to a place near the Paris Opera house, and we watched a slide show presentation about the history of Paris.  We then got on the metro and went to the "Jewish district" of Paris.  While there, we had lunch at a fallafel place.  Fallafel is basically a fried vegetable ball and then they are put inside a pita with lettuce, tomato, cheese, and ranch dressing.  I did not think I was going to like it, but it was delicious.  Right across from the fallafel restaurant was a Jewish bakery.  I got an apple pastry and it was very good!!  We then visited a very small tea museum.  We then had two hours of free time.  Jen, Alicia, Rachel, and I went shopping!!  I bought a pair of shoes and they were only eight euros.  That's definitely a good price compared to the 578 euro pair of shoes I saw earlier today.  I also bought a headband and a shirt.  Alicia also bought a pair of shoes and she also got this very cute dress!  Our last stop of the day was at the "Gallery Mona Lisa".  There was an art exhibition there.  I actually liked some of the paintings there.

Paris Opera House

Tomorrow we are visiting the Louvre and the Arc De Triumph.  I'm pretty excited to see those two places.  As of today only three more days until my family arrives!!!!  Well, I'm absolutely exhausted so I'll update you all tomorrow!!

Bon Soiree!!!

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