Sunday, March 20, 2011

Roaming Rome

Today was a very busy day touring the "Eternal City"  However, to start the day, we attended 11:00 mass.  It was all in Italian, so I did not understand anything.  If you go to a mass in a different language, just pretend you know whats going on and you will be fine!

After mass we took our first tour which was called the "Tour of the Caesars".  This tour took us to some of the most famous archeological sites around Rome.  Our first stop of the day was at the world-famous Colosseum.  Much of the Colosseum still remains, however, some of it has collapsed over the hundreds of years it has been standing.  For example, the platform where the gladiators fought, no longer remains.  The second stop was at a church where relics of St. Peter remained.  This relic was the chain that St. Peter was attached to when he was in prison.  The third stop of the day was at the ruins of the main square of the Roman Empire.
Chains Of St. Peter
Ruins Of The Roman Empire
After that tour, we went on a night tour of the city of  Rome.  It was beautiful seeing most of the major sites lit up at night.  It was especially spectacular seeing St. Peter's Basilica lit up at night.  This tour was followed by a delicious Italian dinner.
Trevi Fountain
St. Peter's Basilica
Tomorrow is our last day in Rome and we have a tour of the Vatican and a tour of some of the other religious sites.

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