Saturday, March 12, 2011

Paris Day #4

What another exciting day in the city of Paris, France!  First stop of the day was at a pharmacy.  I hurt my knee yesterday and I needed an ace bandage to wrap it up and some pain killers.  It has been hard to walk around, but I have doing my best.  After stopping at the pharmacy, Jen, Alicia, Zoe, Maura, Katie, Morgan, and I got on the metro and went to a flea market.  I bought a pair of shoes and a purse.  Good thing was that the prices were really inexpensive!!!  After the flea market, we had lunch at a cafe and then got back on the metro to head to our next stop of the day.

We were to meet the entire group at the Basicilia of the Sacred Heart in Montmartre.  Montmartre is a hill and the Basilica sits on top of the hill.  Just like most of the churches I have seen in Europe, this one was also beautiful!!!  It is spectacular seeing it sit on top of a hill overlooking the city of Paris.

After Monmartre, we were all supposed to go to an art exhibition.  However, I could not walk any further so Morgan and Katie took me back to the hostel to rest my knee.  As for my evening, I spent it resting my knee and Jen gave me the movie Dirty Dancing to watch.  My parent's flight leaves tonight and I'm soo excited to see them in the morning.  Tomorrow, we are going to Notre Dame for mass, the Latin Quarter for lunch, and we are then visiting another famous art museum (Orsay).  Good Night All!

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